Mission and Values

The Writing Tree is here to help you to write.

We believe writing is a great way to express yourself, enjoy yourself and share your ideas. We’d like to support you with inspiration, information and, if you need it, a bit of encouragement.

We’re here to help you get the most from your writing, whether you’re a complete beginner or a pro. We offer tuition (online and face-to-face), coaching, editing and proof-reading services, all at reasonable prices, because we don’t think you should need to be rich to nurture your writing.

We understand that while a critical voice can be helpful to edit and improve your work, it can be a big barrier to writing your first draft. Our approach is to encourage writers to be playful and experimental with a first draft. Then, if you wish, we can help you to improve and develop it further.

We understand that writers have their own unique experience and approach to writing. Some of us find it challenging and scary, others are confident and secure about it. Most seem to be a mixture of both! We will do our best to work in the way that you need, whether it’s a purely professional service to help get your work into shape for publication, or you need more encouragement and support.

We pride ourselves on being kind and professional, and bring our own creativity to help us support you in nurturing yours.

You can find out more about us as individuals in the ‘people’ section. You are welcome to request a particular individual with whom to work on a specific project if you wish, and we will do our best to match you with them, availability permitting.